ROBERT PLANT Loves Performing Reconstructed Versions Of LED ZEPPELIN Classics: 'They Are All Beautiful Adaptations'

June 3, 2024

LED ZEPPELIN legend Robert Plant and country-bluegrass chanteuse Alison Krauss were interviewed by USA Today ahead of the June 2 launch of their summer 2024 tour in support of their 2021 album "Raise The Roof", the follow-up to 2007's Grammy-winning "Raising Sand". Asked what he has been doing since getting off the road last year, Robert said: "I've been very busy following my north star and reaching into the great old world of R&B for songs I might do something with down the road. And watching football (soccer)."

The 2024 live tour features Plant, Krauss and their all-star band running through "a cosmic collision of early blues, country deep cuts, revolutionary folk-rock and lost soul music." Fans can also expect reimagined arrangements of classic LED ZEPPELIN cuts like "The Battle Of Evermore", "Rock And Roll", "When The Levee Breaks" and other surprises.

Asked if he enjoys performing a few reconstructed LED ZEPPELIN songs in his show or is it more obligatory, Plant said: "I love them and am very proud of them and to get to change them around and to hear that voice next to me, it allows for an exotic overview of the more dramatic elements. At times I'm emotional about it because I'm hearing these songs — they are all beautiful adaptations that I could never have dreamt. It's a great achievement."

Plant and Krauss's tour features support from their lead guitarist JD McPherson.

In addition to JD, the backing band consists of drummer Jay Bellerose, bassist Dennis Crouch, multi-talented string player Stuart Duncan and Viktor Krauss on keys and guitar.

"Raise The Roof" debuted in the Top 10 on the Billboard 200 and spent 20 weeks at No. 1 on the Americana chart.

Upon its release, "Raise The Roof" amassed critical acclaim from The New York Times, New Yorker, Vanity Fair, Variety, Pitchfork, People, Associated Press, NPR and more, in addition to appearances on "The Late Show With Stephen Colbert", "The Kelly Clarkson Show", CBS, PBS, MSNBC, the BBC and beyond.

Photo by David McClister

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